This blog is about me, Megan Marie McAdams. My life, my friends and family, my thoughts, my struuggggles, and all the goodness in between. Love it or hate it, at least you read it!
Sarah Pride Edwards tagged me, and therefore I had to do this little thingy.
4 shows I watch - Grey’s Anatomy - Teen Mom - Hoarders/ Intervention - Glee
4 things im passionate about - painting my nails - my religion - my family - my friends
4 phrases I say a lot - meow - I love you - smell you later - suck it
4 things I’ve learned from the past - things aren’t always what they seam - blessings come in disquise - I tend to get into lots of trouble really fast, BE CAREFUL! - If you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything at all.
4 things I did yesterday - went snowboarding - went to the temple - went to dinner with Rod, Ashlee, and Maddie at MARIA’s! - slept over April’s
4 places I would love to visit - Greece - Australia - Africa - Alaska
4 things I’m looking forward to - retirement - traveling the world - my future family - MY MISSION!
4 things I love about winter - Christmas movies, music, decorations - snowboarding - blizzards - SNOW DAYS!
4 Things I wish I could do Better (I added this one myself) - sing - do math - grow my hair faster - communicate clearer
With that I now tag: Rachel (Chizz) Lange, Jayna McAdams and Clint McAdams
Now this here is a picture of April being tucked in by Kelsi a while backs ago. I just found it. And I love it.
So Brett and I decided to Road Trip down to Pinetop, Arizona to visit my sister Christy and her family for the Holiday. Here are all the kids on Bill's side of the family. and I don't know all of their names. :/ and Here we have my niece Sarah and myself about to enjoy our freakin huge JawBreakers. This is my oldest niece Lauren (perhaps some of you remember her from my dad's voicemail, I mean what!) and this is at the Tucson mall where I went crazy at H&M loving my life, and then we went to Alegria by Cirque du Soleil. It was tight. Again, this is my niece Sarah sleeping like a dog with a dirty face.
Here is Maddie Lowder at her fantabulous play! She had the lead role as the King. And let me just say she was great! Good job mad dawg, and I'm glad we could make it!
Here is the McAdams family 2010 Christmas tree. The plant is something my dad insisted we bring from our home in Ohio. My dad also did the lights. We are just getting classier and classier every year. But hey, with the space that we have in that town house....this is probably as good as it can get. Happy Holidays!
Kelsi, Bryanne, Brittany and I went to the movie and it was awesome! I went to the theater at 6pm and waited in line till 10pm and then they let us in. I'll say that sitting on the cement for only 4 hours and not 6, was well worth it! When we were sitting in the theater, a guy dressed up in a robe with wand in hand, called MY NAME and challenged me to a duel! So at first I was like uhhh no, and Kels said it looked like I was going to puke...(but really, I knew I was going to get up because it was a dream come true!) So he asks me if I have a wand, and this girl offered me hers, and I was like of course I have a wand. Then I walked down there, threw off my jacket vest and stepped up. He said we would stand back to back, take 5 steps forward, and then precede to cast spells on each other. So we did, and I tried to do Havadacavre on him, but he "blocked it". Ya, I'm a born killer. Then I think I tried to do expeliarmous on him. And I guess he blocked it again. So by the third round of spells, I blanked out. And he did the petrificous totalus on me. I froze. He came over. Tried to kick my wand out of my hand, but I moved it, and he kicked my hand! It was awesome. Then the battle was over, so we walked out holding hands for some reason, and there I saw the biggest smile on Michael McConks face. Best prank/skit set up ever mike! thanks! Here i am just waiting!!
Runnin with some cute tricks in St. George! Just doin my thing loookin good. This is from the St. George Marathon that I tried to run with Jenna. Fail. It was extremely hard, painful, and beautiful. I loved myself and hated myself for doing this. I was more sore after running this than i was after my full marathon. Here is Nate Ogden "Nogden" and Jacob Crosby. They did pretty good, considering it was just supposed to be a long run today. I think they were like the first guys to cross... nbd.
Here is Kelsi and myself at the start up in the mountains. Here is Kelsi and my self, just enjoying ourselves halfway through the race =)
This is Teresa, my running buddy, me and her old friend...I forget his name. This is me and my first Marathon Trophy
Here am I loving my life Just broke 4 long hours by 11 seconds~~yeesh!! I wouldn't say this is an impressive time for me, but hey, it only leaves room for improvement right?
So I get off work at 4 today to make it to the License office before 6 right. At work, all the kids were sick, shannon was sick, corey was sick, and I left them resting and napping and whatnot. so I didn't want to wake them up before I left so I wrote a note saying "rest up, have a good weekend, yada yada yada, feel better, i'll see ya on tuesday." good deed right? so i go home get dolled up for my big picture. grab everything I need to verify my identity and crap, and I get up to the counter after waiting in line i dont know how long, and she says that I have to come back before 5 to take the little test. . . . . it was 5:10. . . . really? come on UTAH!
Sooo I may have told some people that I ran on uhh last saturday. But this is false. I did not. Because if I did, I would have had more to say about it.
With that, I did my 20 miler last night on the Porter Rockwell Trail. It was murder. But good at the same time
1. I didn't have my iPod, so it was me keeping my self busy the whole time 2. I started at 7:50 and ended at 10:10 with stops here and there though. my total running time being...3 hours 18 minutes. 3. the air was cool, so even while I was sweating I was being cooled off 4. most people on trails are nice a. the nicest are the walkers and the walking couples b. then the bikers (2 or more bikers) c. then the single parent with the kids d. then the single runner e. then the single biker i. if they say "Hi" and/or smile first they are really nice people ii. if they say it second, they are mostly nice people iii. if they don't do either, then they are grumpies that shouldn't be on the trail in the first place OR they are so out of shape and tired, that they don't even realize they are being rude. 5. I had to run out 5 miles the back 5 miles twice 6. Utah trails are not like Ohio trails where they go on forever, and you don't have to turn around and repeat the same trail just to get your mileage in. Ohio trails have no end. Ohio vs. Utah you choose. 7. running at night, may not be smart or safe, but it felt good. you can't see how far you have to go. you pick up your pace because either you see or hear things that may scare you. or in my case, I saw the Draper temple ahead of me and it inspired me to run faster. 8. my dad was going to bike next to me the whole time for my next ten miles, but while he was repairing it that day, he didn't put it back together properly. soo he ended up driving to different parts of the path to make sure I was ok. I'm glad he didn't bike with me, but I'm glad he was there to check up on me throughout the run. 9. I don't know how I'm ever going to finish the other 6 miles of this marathon. and most definitely don't know how it's going to even be under 3 hours 40 minutes. let's all start praying on that miracle. 10. sometimes a snort that sounds like a wild hog, may just be a little annoying dog. 11. just because I caught up to a girl that was running too, doesn't mean she's good, or that I'm doing good. she had braces. and she ended up walking by the time I caught up to her. 12. the mexican guy running with his two dogs wished me good luck after he had run less than a half mile. he was nice, not cute, but his dogs were.
That's it. My brain thinks up some weird things while running, I know that, and I like them. and want to remember them. so this is my memory box for future reference.
Today is Monday. It is always the start of a new week, and usually the start of my new diet, or new running schedule, or new goals. Tonight on my evening run, I realized a few things. This may all be a little jumbled and out of order, but it made sense to me. While running, I usually come up with my best ideas. My thoughts are so clear and they make complete sense at the time. I always want to just run home and write them down. 1) I think I may have read this once but now I am making it my own saying, "Good ideas always come around the hours of 7pm till 12am or later" When I wake up, my creative juices are not flowing. I am not thinking about the day ahead or the day after. It's a night time when I am thinking of the next day coming. The next week ahead of me. My thoughts, hopes and dreams of the future occur to me at night, when the day is done and all I have to think about is what can be done better tomorrow.
2)Someone should invent a device that writes down your ideas as you think of them. For instance while I'm running, or driving. Which I've been doing a lot of lately. Like tonight, I thought up of two things I want to do. I want to create a journal type thing of everyone important to me in my life and write down everything I know about them. The fun memories, the bad memories, their personality, what they meant to me in my life. That type of thing. So I can go look back and read how I felt about them. Seeing as I suck at keeping a journal, I need to just write about the people in my life, and I'll rememeber events with them more personally. (maybe)
3) I am going to try and blog after I run all the time now because I think my ideas are great and I want to remember them. And this blog is mostly for meee...soooo I'll do what I want!
So just the other day, I think it was Thursday night. I went for a 5 mile run down the dirt trail (or as Jenny Welling calls it, the coyote trail waahhh!) As I stopped at my turn around point, I leaned over looked down and saw a leopard spotted slug! It was huge for one thing, and it was basically the cheetah sister of disgusting insects. As I ran away thinking about that nasty slug, I thought, "when am I ever going to see a slug like that ever again?" And hopefully, I'll never forget the first time I saw a leopard spotted slug, and I can keep tally of how many times I see those ever again in my life. Weird, I know.
What else...tonight my parents, Clint & Jayna and their kids and myself all went to the park for famiy home evening. It was a delicious feast of Sun Chips and Hot Dogs, followed by intense swinging on the swings and sliding down slides. I made some cute little friends as I helped them swing and give them under dogs and give them high fives down the slides. Parks are interesting, and weird. I would say there are some pretty trustworthy people there (like myself) and parents of other children. So when I push them or help them on the playground it's no big deal. But then there is that hobo sitting on the bench there that always keeps you on your toes and nervous the whole time your there. I don't know.. I just like to think about things like that.
My time today...working, being with my family, and running tonight wasn't anything unusual, but I did realize how precious all of my time is, and that it can be taken away at any moment.
Time this weekend: O-R-E-G-O-N-!-!-! Friday afternoon, Kelsi and I took off for our grand adventure on the Great Oregon Trail. Literally, there were signs saying we were on it. But before we left, we took like an hour paying off our bills and getting CRAP JUNK FOOD at wal-mart. Biggest regret of 20 lbs of my life. Then we were off! Past SLC, upper utah, frigen Idaho. Oh Idaho, the crappy construction gravel road flew up at kelsi's windshield and cracked it. Less than an hour later, a crack had spread across the bottom of it, and by the end of the night we had a "shiner" on her car. This is how it started, so innocent and could've been filled, buututtt that didn't happen. . . . . Then Oregon. Not much to say about it at night, but by the time we reached Claire's house at roughly 3am Utah time, we were on edge. The trip had gone pretty well, in fact it was fun! But looking for that hidden house in those giant pine trees, Kelsi and I finally snapped on each other. It was hilarious. All I remember after that was almost being bitten by that devil poodle, and then falling asleep. Next morning, Kelsi and I wake and get ready for WES AND ANNA'S wedding!!!! Seeing them for the first time as a married couple, walking out of the temple hand in hand was sooo amazing!! I was so excited, Kelsi was embarrassed.
....This is to be continued.... I'm going to bed with Zaden after all tonight.
Today I almost died. Mom and dad, you might not be too happy about this...if you ever read it, but whatevers. K so I was driving on I-15. Windows down, cuz lord knows my air conditioning is pooped out. And I had my money orders chillin in the passenger seat. All of a sudden the catch wind, and almost blow out my window so I lean over to catch them when I slightly started swerving in the other lane. I jerked the wheel back in the other direction, and well that's when I lost control. I fish tailed and swerved over my two left lanes, I didn't hit the guy next to me thank goodness. And no one was behind me. But still it was bad. I couldn't control the wheel anymore so I let go and hit the brakes, and my car spun out!! I was heading towards the cement wall blocks when I stopped spinning and was facing forward again. Smoke from my tires was everywhere and at some point, I put on my hazards thank goodness. I knew traffic would still be coming so I tried to move at 30mph. Ughhh if you've ever been through this, then you know how I felt. I couldn't cry because I couldn't breathe and I couldn't breathe because I was shaking so much. As I looked to my right to see if there were any cars coming so I could get over, I saw two guys looking at me trying to talk to me. They had their windows rolled down and they were making faces like "Are you ok?" or maybe they were just like "wtf is wrong with you?!" idk. I couldn't look at them, I was hyperventilating. So I finally got over to the slow lane and the guys were just followin me. And so I got off at the nearest exit to calm down a little bit. The guys got out too, came up to my car (don't worry, I stayed in my car, cuz they looked kinda sketch) and they were like, "Ma'am are you alright?! We saw the whole thing! You should think about signing up for NASCAR the way you handled that!" Although flattered by their unique charm I told them I was fine, and laughed it off. (I still don't know why my tears weren't coming by now...)
But ya fricken scary! What has came from this today??? I for sure can see the Lord's hand in my life for one thing! I coulda been smashed up against the wall! Or T-boned by some other car. Or whatever bad things could've happened. Oy! I definitely went to institute tonight to be on the Lord's good side. Shoooooot!
-----Onnn Annnooottthhhherrrr Nooooottteeee---- I had the pleasure of releasing Sarah Price Edwards of her infestation of head lice tonight! I wish I had a pic of it to put up, but I don't think this was an experience she wanted to remember ;) so this picture will do! I bet this kid here is the one who gave her the lice. Anyways, it was kinda fun combing little vermon out of her head. I like doing gross stuff like that.
No! I have not put in my papers! No! I have not gotten a call! All I've done is decided I'm going!
As most of you may know, I have decided to go on a mission! My birthday is coming up here soon (AUGUST 16th BABY!) and I have been strongly impressed that the Lord wants me to go on a mission. The story.... About 2 weeks ago, I started thinking about it seriously, more than ever before. At the end of the week I talked to my dad, and he said he would support me in whatever I choose, and that it's a really good idea. After talking to him I talked it over some more with my friends and decided to see what my bishop though. So early Sunday morning, I checked my email at like 8am and discovered I had an individual 9:00am meeting with Bishop Nelson. So I got all ready and met with him. He asked me some questions as to why I want to go, and if I was in any circumstances that would have me wanting to go for the wrong reasons, but no! I passed the test! Only to be shut down and realize that we were getting a new bishopric next week...poo.
Anyways, I was so overwhelmed and happy about my meeting with him, that I finally called my mom. She was the last person I had to consult with about this, and since she was in Georgia taking care of Grandma Etta, I gave her a ring as soon as I left my meeting. I asked her what she thought of me going on a mission, and that I'd been thinking I want to go. And much to my surprise and joy, she said she'd been thinking about it too lately! And she thought it would be really good for me too! How bomb is that! Mom is already one step ahead of me. So after we talked, I knew that was it. Naturally, I started crying because I'm such a sapp lately it's ridiculous, I cry over everything. But ya I walked into my apartment, and the night before Bryanne (my roommate), Callie Cameron (my friend who slept over), and I all slept on our mattresses in the living room, and I saw them sitting there and I told them I was going!
And so nowwwwwwww I'm trying to plan things out here even more.... I've decided I'm not going to take fall classes but continue working as a nanny for Shannon, and maybe audit some mission prep classes at BYU...we'll see. I will be gone for the next 2 Sundays for our family vacation in GREER! and then my bishop will be gone the week I get back, so meeting with him will be a whiles away. But I want to get my hands on the papers and get going! Hopefully I can leave byy....the end of October, maybe November..I don't know.
I told Shannon (my boss), today that I'm going on a mission. (Actually, she found out through her friend that I told a few days ago, and so she was like uhhh my friend told me you're going on a mission) ((awkward. haha) but ya she was actually very happy for me! and after I told her everything she was like, "This is sad, but will end up working perfectly! If you're not going to school in the fall, I can have you work for me still." And then she said I would maybe go to Vegas with her and the kids for her work! Details still to come, but that would be tight!
I don't know, everything seems to just be falling into place and being perfect! All the support for a mission. All the timing for it. All the inspiration and good feelings that I have for it. I'm just so happy! And Brett will be getting ready to go soon too! I just couldn't be happier right now! I love my life! and That's it!
(((First, thanks to all my four followers, shout out--- Brittany Brooks, Sarah Edwards, Jenna (already changed her last name) TRANSTRUM, and Derek McAllistter))) -ya'll rock
Ohhh my gosh, so I woke up at 6 am today to get ready for work thinking it was 8. My body must be on a self alarm clock after having my parents wake me up at the butt crack of dawn for the past 7 days. That was cool, not.
And then came work. I've been a nanny for the Lundberg family for 14 months now. I love my job, but naturally it's hard. I guess I won't rant about anything on here because my Public Relations teacher from last semester always said not to post anything you may regret on the internet because it's there forever and you can never take it back.
If I could say anything though, I'll say the things that make me laugh. So there's Emery who's 9, Ryan is 7, Tyson is 4, and Addison is 15 months old. Tyson has his favorite outfit that he probably wears every other day. A red plaid button up shirt, blue and brown plaid shorts and retro navy blue boots. Today though he changed things up, wearing an Indiana Jones type hat, green plaid swim trunks, and the navy blue boots. So when we were sword fighting today, he just looked like a Champ.
Emery through a little tantrum for me today, so that was fun. Normally she's trying to suck up to me, or tell me what to do. Ryan, who has diabetes and is usually the worst for me was good. And Addison just tried to eat rocks today. Pretty normal.
After that I made my way over to the storage unit to help my parents unload the trucks. . . . . It was a lot faster than loading them, but after packing and loading and driving and unpacking again, I've become weary of it all. And seeing boxes of stuff that should be thrown away be packed up again (sorry mom and dad, but you two are a little crazy) is just...ya it's no fun.
Anyways, tomorrow we're off to the land of the daisy dukes and bikini's on top!!! Hello Jenna and Jeff are getting married!! I'm loving my life.
As I was talking to Marybeth Small (aka Maryboo, Booboobeth, small one, baby), we were discussing the upcoming blessed wedding of Jenna Lowder to the Jeff Transtrum. Then I continued to stalk both of their facebooks and blog. And that's when it hit me, I need to be a blogger.
So after commenting of a sexy pic of Jlow and Jeff, I started making my blog.
The name of my blog, alis volat propriis came from no where. I thought of some other ridiculous titles that were just not ok, and I was going to do carpe diem. No, I'm not cliche..but ok ya I wanted something that I thought was cool and Latin. So maybe I googled some stuff...searched some state/college latin mottos and BAM!!!
"she flies with her own wings."
it works ok.
other cools that I'm totally in to the whole Latin phrases thing.
my runner up title... Dum spiro, spero ("While I breath, I hope") Eureka! ("I've found it!") Nil sine numine ("Nothing without God") Crescit eundo ("It grows as it grows") Tuum est ("It's up to you" or "It's yours") Deo favente haud pluribus impar ("With God's help, to no one equal") Age Quod Agis ("strive for the best") amor vincit omni ("love conquers all") sapere aude ("dare to be wise") per angusta ad augusta ("through difficulties to greatness")
if you have any other good ones, post it. otherwise...THE END!